Jul 11, 2006

Saigon Advertising

I've noticed a few adverts over the past few weeks. Most of the advertising around town is just as mind numbing as most places in the world.

Much to my amazement, Ronaldhino is on billboards across Vietnam advertising a brand of washing powder called OMO! It may seem strange but then thinking about it the Brazilian is as well known here as he is anywhere. I just wonder how much OMO paid him (or if someone is really good with Photoshop).

Also catching my eye is the new Ford Focus which is hanging off a building in the middle of town. The car is the advert. That's it. Why not.


Anonymous said...

I have been enjoying your blog for your keen insights on Vietnamese life, as well as your excellent photos. The car hanging off the building is a great catch!
-- Mel

Jon Hoff said...

Thanks for your comments guys! I hope you keep coming back...