Feb 14, 2007

Tet Prep: Essentials

Sorry thong, it's another TET post ;).

On Hai Ba Trung, vendors line the roadside seilling decorations for the traditional new year tree...hopefully bringing good luck. I think with the pig n all we already have enough luck, but there you go....

Picture 027

Just around the corner on Vo Thi Sau, Banh Chung and Banh TET, essential TET food stuffs can be found. Funny how these products congregate on certain streets. Anyone know how that originated, I'd like to know...

Picture 029

A friend looked at me genuinely miffed and said "How much beer can one family actually drink at TET?". This was relating to a recent visit to the local shop, which have all transformed into alcoholic/soft drink wholesalers, with crates of '333' and 'Tiger' stacked to the rafters. Supplies seems to be depleted already however. Here's one such shop, also supplying gift baskets.

Picture 028

On a non TET related subject (and don't ask why I feel the need to put TET in capital letters all the time) today was of course Valentines Day. Can you spot the human in this picture? Hint - look for the conical hat.

Picture 031


Rogena said...

Is Valentine's Day celebrated in Vietnam? Hope that isn't a stupid question. In the states, the amount of money and time is unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

my theory is the feb 14 was invented by DeBeers and Hallmark, then nurtured by modern feminist movement... but for 21th century cavemen, little confetti is festive enough...
I don't know if they celebrate Valentine in VN now, certainly not back then... perhaps we were too poor to care for celebrating love :). Vietnamese women are no exception, just like billions of women around the world, the universal themes like love, beauty, romance are also always on their mind, ... -> the yearning is there and waitng for an improted catalyst like Valentine to catapult it to the moon.

Jon Hoff said...

Rogena, Valentines Day is certainly becoming more popular in Vietnam. This year however it was so close to the TET holiday that it came and went without too much fuss.

Anonymous said...

Is the 21th century anything like the 21st century??

Honestly, what's wrong with keeping one day on the calendar that is generally dedicated to having people express and show their love for each other? I don't believe this should only happen on one particular day, but if men only need a little confetti, then it's probably a good thing to have a day which motivates us to do more.