Aug 6, 2006

Cool Sites

First, with the great photo sharing site, Flikr, you have the ablilty to browse and seach thousands of pictures. Users tag their pictures enabling you to seach the catalouge. A simple search for Vietnam returns 166,972 pictures, Saigon returns 25,337. Take a look!

Second, an interesting wesite at Global Voices Onlineallows you to keep up to date with bloggers from anywhere, and I mean anywhere. The sites mission statement declares :

Global Voices seeks to amplify, curate and aggregate the global conversation online - with a focus on countries and communities outside the U.S. and Western Europe. We are committed to developing tools, institutions and relationships that will help all voices everywhere to be heard.

Next, I was directed to a BBC article by my mother (she loves me calling her that, and if you're reading mum, happy birthday!). The article is all about Brits Abroad. View here. From there I found the Brits Abroad blog. From what I can gather, there is some kind of project underway to count all the overseas Brits . Somewhere I saw stated that there are 4.5 million known Brits living abroad, but they estimate it could be up to 14 million. That's incredible! 14 million?! Then again, have a night out in Sydney and that number becomes more believable. I've no idea of the number of Brits in Vietnam, or other nationalities, but I'll make a point of finding out some info.

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