Aug 24, 2008

A driver's theory

Driving. England. Vietnam.

Let's look at the differences.

I'm currently learning to drive, and before you can take any practical tests you have to pass a theoretical test, a multiple choice exam where you need to score 43/50. Also required is a 'hazard perception test' where you watch 14 video clips and have to click the mouse when you see a hazard developing. Points are scored based on your reaction time to the hazard, from 5 to 1. To pass this puppy you need 44/75 points.

I really wanted to share some of my test questions for a couple of reasons. One is comdey value based on our shared interest in Vietnam and our tounge in cheek knowledge of its roads, two is highlighting some of the more patronising questions I've had to suffer. This is the way people are treated in my country...

Hopefully you can read these questions, if not use Cntrl and + to zoom in.

This one is designed to test your 'attitude'.


This one asks what you should do if your car breaks down on a level crossing (basically on a railway line) and the bell starts to go off...


Two for a little Saigonese driving style humour now....I have selected the appropriate answers.



What do you mean "that's not the right answer.."!.


Unknown said...

Thank God I got my driver's license when I was 16. I have been driving for nearly 20 years now, I just have to make sure I renew my driver's license ontime :-)

Best of luck.


Slotermeyer said...

Am curious: What's the correct answer to the 1st one? I figure eihter push the car clear or jump out and scarper.

Jon Hoff said...

The correct answer is : scarper. The logic being that you ensure your own safety I suppose.

Unknown said...

The answer for the last 2 questions is very funny and very true :D

Anonymous said...

Jon, you got the last question wrong. A real Saigonese would tick Option 3: get closer to the red van. Sounding the horn in VN is just to say "I'm here", not "Drive properly you *anker", as you well know.


Anonymous said...

I can see that the written exam is in english and not in vietnamese?
How can I take the english written exam (i dont know vn much) ?