Jan 11, 2023

An update

Its time for an update. 

2014 seems like a lifetime ago. 

In July 2021 having sold up in Cu Chi, we moved the family back to England. I experienced severe burnout towards the end of my time in Vietnam. Work and country related, its hard to pinpoint exactly where things went wrong. Make hay whilst the sun shines, which I did. But you never know when the dream comes to an end. For the longest time I would field questions like "Oh so you're a lifer then" and "Do you ever plan to leave" with a sly smile and a "yeah, probably" or a "probably not!". The grass may always be greener but sometimes you need to go to pasture to try it out. I had an incredible sixteen and a half years in Vietnam which included meeting Chi and getting married, running a business, being a travel writer for Travelfish, building a career in education, having two children, building a house and making lifelong friendships. It was a land of opportunity for me and for that I am forever grateful. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for update. Me same, now 15yrs in Saigon, house, own business ..quite similar. Due some visa restrictions (I never married, and also not for the reason of visa) I’m maybe forced to leave. How was your transition from VN back to Europe?