Mar 3, 2006

Quotes of the day

'It's the little things that make me so happy,
All I want to do is live by the sea'

It's from an Oasis song called 'It's good to be free'. Not too profound, but I like it.

'Strange times are these when old and young are taught falsehoods in school, and those who dare tell the truth are once called a lunatic and a fool' - Written by Plato in 400 B.C!

A similar sentiment expressed by the man himself :

'Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune.' - Noam Chomsky.

An obscure band I love called Carcass surprised me with their lyrics, and I love the words to the song 'Generation Hexed' (as well as it being an awesome song). Here they are:

Lost forever
A whole generation of pathetic lost souls
With no meaning no depth
They're already dead, before it gets old
Anonymous, blank
No individuality, uniformed
A wholesale
Blanket identity, from the day that they're born

Another generation to mourn
What choice for a new generation?
Another generation under sedation

Flocking like sheep
The instinctual herd, as fashion dictates
Primitively seduced
Commonly reduced, resigned to their fate
Another useless
Faceless degeneration
Like the one which precedes
A bleak existence, to be spent on it's knees
The pattern it seeds

What choice for a new generation?
Another generation under sedation
Generation hexed
Just another useless generation..

Trapped together
Another wasted generation is sold
With no meaning, no depth
They're there to be bled
Never breaking the mould
Anonymous, blank
No individuality, misinformed
A wholesale
Blinkered non-entity, on it's knees born
Another generation to scorn

What choice for a new generation?
Just another generation under sedation
Self suppressed
Generation vexed
Ha, self oppressed
Just another generation hexed

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