Oct 7, 2005


Yes, in the picture, if you notice behind me on the board, is the exlamation 'I am special'. What I am doing here is pointing it out MYSELF, rather than have people think I hadn't noticed it and laughing and sending it into FHM along with a brilliant picture of a Chinese sign that is hilariously translated incorrectly and sounds a little bit rude. Actually its a conception to give certain students a little more self awareness and self confidence. Everyday one student is selected and will have the 'special' treatment - for example, they get to leave class first for lunch, the other students are expected to treat them well through the day, and I personally promise to not take the belt to them that day. Well, within reason, you've got to get some enjoyment out of the day. As you can maybe see, we had this class on the life cycle of a frog. Now please don't email me about the specifics, you'll just have to look it up yourself, or better still, look in a 4th grade science textbook to quell you now salivating desire to know more.

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